3D Robotics
I'm trying to read the SCP1000 barometric sensor with Arduino, and I'm just getting zeros with this code. (the author got the same thing and apparently found a solution but never posted it :-( ) The sensor uses the SPI interface, which has some tricky timing requirements, and I suspect that's what I need to tweak. I'm using all the pins but DRDY and have all them all going via a 4.7k resistor before connecting to the Arduino's 5v pins (the SCP1000 is a 3.3v sensor board). Anybody have success with this sensor? [UPDATE: Conor posted fixed code in the Arduino forum, and it works great. Problem solved!]

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  • Advice for a cheapscake....please

    I went brave and cheap and purchased a SCP1000 with SPI, thinking that I will be able to solder it myself. I looked at it today and immediately decided that there is no way I can do it without special tools and lots of time. Any advice on how I can salvage my investment, or write it off as a lesson learned?
  • Developer
    And is very good, the problem is that i did it with ARM m3, is a lot easier, but is not so difficult to port it to arduino... And for UAVS i think is a very well solution,
  • Developer
    Me =)
  • It'd be great if you guys could publish the noise characteristics of your SCP1000. Just measure 20 samples in a room with still air, then put them in excel and run the =stdev(A1:A20) function and report that.

    I'm measuring a std dev of 7.12 counts, which is about 1.1 meters. I was actually a bit underwhelmed with the noise perf but I'm not convinced I'm getting all I could from the part because of a routing issue.

    But, I still think it's better than the 20 minute average of GPS. I've done several test flights where my start and ending GPS altitude vary by 30 or 40 meters, which is a lot. If you were going to beeline for 150m and above for all your flights, then I agree you'd probably be safe.
  • What sort of accuracy are you expecting to get from this Chris ?
  • 3D Robotics
    Hurray! Conor posted fixed code in the Arduino forum and it works great. Thanks Conor!

    Problem solved...
  • SPI is generally annoying in most languages, ESPECIALLY C/C++/C#. It really is a chunk of code. I'm sorry, but that is the way to do it. I didn't know it was the Code part that you needed.
  • I have the SCP1000 working using the Propeller, took a while but seems to work well - SPIN Code attached.


  • did you try the logic level converter? I bought one for my SCP1000 and one for my IMU.
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