Help needed

I'm working on a small uav project.. I need a video down link system for FPV , I would prefer a system on 5.8 ghz possible 2.4 as a last resort, I'm flying on 72mhz and the payload is on 900 mhz at this time. I also need a video transmitting range of at least 1 mile and possible up to 3 miles. This sytem will be used stateside.Thanks for any help.scott

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  • Hi Scott,

    I crash fly FPV too and can tell you from experience that a 1-3 mile range is going to be tricky., but not impossible. As a rule, the lower the frequency, the farther the signal will carry. So a 900 Mhz video system might be a better idea in the long run.

    As you are limited to the amount of power your transmitter can send, and hardware it can carry, you will most likely need a strong receive antenna/amp and tracking system or good friend with an eagle eye and strong arms.

    I use the range video 2.4Ghz Tx/Rx and have good success in an open ~1000' with fixed receivers. Start there and expand with experience. Most of all, post your progress, 'cause we're here to help.

    Good luck!
  • 3D Robotics
    Actually, I just found a 5.8 ghz aerial video setup at Future Hobbies. At $900 it's not cheap, though...
  • 3D Robotics
    There are a load of 2.4 solutions (check out and I don't know of any intended for aerial purposes at 5.8.
    Wireless Video equipment for ground and aerial work
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