Tired of those wire messes ??

Here is a new 23% larger item that will help.. I'm working on a DOE project now and using them on the radio,payload and video equipment. Here is some moreThe Wire Tamer is the answer, with 15 self adhesive Tamers per package in the following colors Black, Red, Blue, yellow and a multi pack W/O black. These guys will hold your stuff in place and look sharp plus some other features,-Dampens Vibrations-Oil Resistant-Light weight-Larger hole size for bigger wire applications or air lines etc.-Holds one or multiple servo wires-Peel-N-Stick application 15 per package-Looks awesome! Red, Blue, Yellow, Black or a multi color pack W/O black.-Specs: 18mm wide X 15mm high x 8mm thick with a 5mm center hole-Works with all CADealers welcome.you can find them at www.rcfoamy.comThanks,


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