Hi AllI've been thinking of a few ways to use the FMA co-pilot for the AP I'm building.Do you guys think it will work if I put a digital potentiometer (I2C or SPI) connected as a voltage devider in the line coming from the infrared sensor.The idea is, if you want the plane to bank (or pitch) 5deg you adjust the value of the digital pot, and the FMA co-pilot will think the plane is banked when it sees the voltage change. When it corrects the "bank" it will actually bank the plane... one thing I like about this idea, is you don't have to worry that the plane will keep on banking (making a roll etc) as the co-pilot will stop rolling the plane further. When you want the plane to return to level flight, you just set the POT back to it's original value.Hope all that make sense to you guys. Do you think this is a plausible idea?

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  • 3D Robotics
    That's been considered before and we don't think it will work. With no feedback as to actual attitude, the FMA will continue rolling until it spirals in. Even if you only did it for a short time, it's not clear how you could know how long to do it to get a predictable turn. I think the only way to make a dynamic control system work is with full feedback, as we're doing by fully integrating the FMA sensors into the PID loops in the next version.
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