Hey everybody, amazing replies and advice i've received so far, you guys are the best!..

    So I'm in the process of planning out my setup in terms of radio coverage. Now, I live in the San Francisco bay area and plan on being able to fly above pretty much anywhere within the rational areas(aka: obviously i will not be flying at a low altitude behind hazards like cliffs and things). So assuming i'm practical about where and how high i can fly missions, which would be the best set up?


I'm thinking a definite combination of high gain and low gain, and am absolutely(excited) open to the idea of an antenna site at multiple remote locations (strategically) placed by the need of coverage.


I can lease antenna space pretty much anywhere, and can easily power a single site by a solar panel, so in regard to advice maybe being pointed in the right direction to the correct antenna dealer/website that sells extremely effective 2.4Ghz omni/high/hemispheric for heavy duty use? as well as antenna insight on which brands/types have the best coverage/range when placed correctly by the right person.


And if you're a bonafide math genius/antenna array engineering expert, I'm open to long conversations as well. LOL


and yes, this is for autonomous flying with assumable MQ-9 Reaper w/ autopilots/stabilizers/sensors

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  • Andy,

    One of the first things that pops into mind is why do you need antenna coverage if your going full autonomous?  That aside, there is a way to get some very good range with off the shelf stuff. Like putting multiple flat panels together using power dividers just like you use for setting up cable tv but in the frequency range of the radio equipment.  two bays of 4 would provide a very tight beam and lots of ERP.  Now that you have a tight beam you have to aim the antenna.  Eagle eye has a product that is a diversity receiver and will point your antenna for you.  A pan and tile could be used from ServoCity.com would work if you kept the masts etc lite.  Now you for the radio gear.  There is a lot out there and certain combination don't work, like having 2.4 GHz TV transmitter nestled right next to your 2.4 GHz RC receiver just isn't a good idea.    One idea that has been banging around inside my head is using a WiMax connection between AC and ground stations. Not sure that this implementation would even be legal but it's something to look into. That way only one transceiver at each end and nothing would interfere with the other.  Hope this is more help than hindrance.  

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