9XR Open LRS Telemetry Hardware Mods

Forgive me for this but I have had some sort of brain hit. When I first began this adventure, I saw several good descriptions of the necessary hardware modifications to bring up the transparent serial bridge for telemetry on my Turnigy 9XR/Orange Open LRS components.

Now I am ready with soldering gun in hand and can't find any of those tutorials. Can somebody please show me a link or two to instructions on these hardware mods.


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  • This is a good place to start


    this specifically is the Frsky mod, but is essentially the same...


    Turnigy 9X, openTX and FrSky Telemetry - RCHacker.com - Radio Control for Engineers, Hackers and th…
    Radio control model reviews, builds and DIY hacks. Detailed tutorials, unbiased reviews and a bit of fun.
    • Thank You Jason!

      Gene .  .   .    .

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