"I tried 2x 2200 lipos in parallel, (see photo)
flight time only 15 minutes compared to 8:30 (new props less efficient, but don't snap) and not much power (due to the extra weight 410g vs 196g), compared to the 4s 2200 lipo giving 12 minutes of…"
"Not uploaded any video from damper V1, but did a quick v2 video this morning... (and was late for work)
The intention was to have check if there was much distortion as there are lots of straight edges for comparison. also quite gusty and have the…"
"Ill upload some video later, not sure it was helping much. may have to use thinner ties so it transfers less vibration.
Double the flight times sounds good.
Not sure about you, but my head hurts if I fly longer than 10 mins.
Just keep an eye on the…"
"maybe it's the extra weight of the 4000mah battery... my in flight failure was quite dramatic but with a 2200mah 4s, seeing half the blade fly off. and tumble from the sky...
the piece actually hit another prop and ripped one of the led's off the…"
"I spent an hour last night re-balancing all my props (including spares) and 30 mins this morning balancing 1 of the motors (another 2 to do)...
then today my prop order arrives (the new slo-fly props I bought previously have a weak blade root and…"
"I just keep buying props... I'm not too concerned about crashing though as I built my tri I can fix or replace any part.... I have 3 heli's that I cannot say the same about..."
"I was both brave and silly and made my 4s from 3s packs, adding an extra cell and redoing all the soldering balance leads etc. not recomended. for safty, I discharged to 3v per cell before doing any soldering though.
I just got from Ebay 2x 4000 6s…"
"PS, I've still regularly using 4s on my tricopter (unmodified) other than losing a prop from the extra power (having too much fun with the power) motors and esc's are fine."