"What would you give and where are you from? Well. I soldered the two pins together, where the current goes from the ESC "array" to the main controlling unit. and i guess that my powermodule has a problem. My APM has those two "limitations". The…"
"Excuse me please for the long time in which I didn´t reply! But I have decided to go for the DJI Naza MV2. I just cant afford more crashes due to my not completely correct tunings. And I cant stand the knowledge during a job with my drone that every…"
"Hmm well I had it on a really good one but it effected it really badly. So as a result of it I took it off because I thought it caused it. Right now im just using really good velcro tape from TESA. Worked fine with my last quad.
Well but my other…"
"Hmm yes I thought about an UBEC as well. I am using Turnigy Plush 30 A ESCs. I didnt run the autotune but I flew one day before and it was soooo smooth in the air and I flew over 20 minutes without having the slightest "uuuuuh... that feels not…"
"Yes I got really high quality foam from a store where mattresses are manufactured and put a "huge" bit in the APM. Please read my response to Jason Day, below. There I gave him an update on my copter´s "not flying conditions"."
I did it to 20 but it wasnt good enough. Then i did it to 98 but the copter turned on his head a few seconds after starting... Im really getting frustrated about APM. I will upload the log and video footage from the "flight". I already had a…"
Hi guys.I have a problem with my copter in loiter mode. I cant find the sweet spot (throttle input) where the copter hovers at a fix altitude. It tends to go either up or down on its self. I uploaded a video. Could you please give me any sugestions?…
"Hmm. Well I did this often with throttle 0 but never did the quad go into failsafe. Thats because I had to trim the radio down in order to arm it(otherwise I cant arm the APM) and configured it that if my transmitter looses signal it goes beneath my…"