A new approach to vibration damping, at the source!

I want to share the work of somebody from another forum.  I thought his solution to vibration problems in multi-rotors is pretty novel, a good implementation, and quite effective.  It appears that not only does damping the motors protect the frame (and thus the flight controller) from vibrations, it actually reduces vibrations in each motor since a vibe in one motor does not upset all the other motors.  You can see this from the sound produced.



Just to make it more clear what he's done, the blue part is rigidly attached to the arm.  the motor is bolted to the upper mount black mount, which is connected to the lower black mount via a shaft in the middle.  The lower black mount pushes upwards on the blue pieces via 4 rubber vibration dampers.  I believe it was done this way because those dampers are intended for compression loading, not tension.

And the result:

This comes from this thread:


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  • 3692424884?profile=original3692424977?profile=original


    • hello!, im hwi. iam trying to make drone. but motor vibration is serious. i can' get value of PID control. is there any  ways to make this at home, it there is. Could you tell me the way ?

  • I will not fly with out rubber mounts again... They make that much difference...

    There is really nothing out there to buy so I made my own..

    This way has the least amount of parts and is Very effective even with parts of the prop missing..

    I first CNC cut a few moldes, poured in some low Derometer Silicone rubber... Then CNC some aluminum brackets

    thats it..  I may sell them one day if there is enough interest... I have two versions... 200watt and 700watt motor size..

    Eddie Weeks

  • 3692361111?profile=original

    Yes... what he said... Rubber at the motors make a HUGE difference..

    these can be bought here..


    Page 1384

    Eddie Weeks


  • Developer

    Robert: Interesting find. My Nemesis frame is designed similarly. I isolate vibrations at the motors and at the center at 24 separate points as well as at the APM which sits on gel. I end up with vibration free video and APM! :-D

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