Can anyone help with this? The set up is "ArduIMU+ V2 (Flat)" with the
"Absolute Pressure and Temperature Sensor - BMP085" and
"HMC5843 - Triple Axis Magnetometer Rev 1.2" all from the store.
The two sensor boards are stacked on header pins soldered to the I2C port of the imu board.
Used "" to test the hardware. Tested each of the sensors individually and ran the imu code. The mag. board readings appear to be correct.
Using the "APM_BMP085/.../APM_BMP085_test.pde" library code the BMP085 board returns "Pressure:0 Temperature:0.00 Altitude:44330.00" repeatedly. Do the XCLR and EOC pins need to be connected?
Haven't removed the mag. board yet to test there's an I2C address conflict. Wanted to ask before desoldering.