
AC2 PID Config adjustment in APM Planner


HI All,


I'm running ACM 2 code from todays trunk ( r2336 ).

I'm doing PID tuning in  APM Planner 0.4.30 in the "PID Config - AC2 MAVLINK"  window.



when I try to save some of my modified PID settings, it behaves like it's worked ( I get the "DONE" ), but then re-opening the PID window and re-reading the settings gives me the OLD PID setting/s.

Some settings work OK though!



changing Stabalize Roll Pid -> P does NOT save.

however ( eg):

changing Acro Roll Pid -> P  saves fine.

changing   Other Mixes->Stabilize Damp saves fine.


It seems that nearly all the settings I've tried will save *except* for the "Stabalize Roll Pid"  ( which by the way is spelt wrong in the GCS, so I've spelt it the same here).


ideas anyone?



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