I have a problem after updating AC to 3.2.1 from 3.1.5.
When in Loiter, the the speed of the motors rev up and down/pulsate quite rapidly. This was working fine when I was using previous versions of arducopter.
I have downloaded the logs, and have looked into accX, accY and accZ. These seems to be inside the range specified in the wiki at arducopter. (Log_vibrations.bin)
Please have a look at the Log.bin, and note the difference between ThrIn and ThrOut when I'm in Loiter mode.
Anyone having any idea what the problem may be?
Personally, I just regig'd the Vibration System in my Thorax Mini.
Achieved vibration decrease by 40%
Successful AutoTune completed.
FineTuning Commencing weather permitting...
Sound advice....
Here is another flight.
Log file
On about 4 minute, I went full forward pitch. This made the quadcopter loose a bit of altitude as there is not enough thrust for lift. My OSD goes nuts warning me of max vertical speed. I then backed off and altitude is gained back. It seems the barometer reads a sudden big gain up, while the GPS reading I believe is closer to what happened a bit of a dip and gain. Is this normal?
I occasionally received similar false altitude values on 3.2.1 firmware as I mentioned at the beginning of this topic. It was a bit dangerous especially at a few meters above the ground. I made same frame improvements for lowering vibration level, tried a several foams, made many program changes, etc. but without any luck. Helped me to return to 3.1.5 firmware. Now I have hundreds flights without any dangerous glitch. I hope that developers will fix 3.2.1 in a near future. This latest firmware for APM have some new useful functions.
OK, so here's progress so far.
1. Tricopter runs good on 3.2.1.
2. Quad is running 3.2. Board is vibrodampened and a bit stabilized with wight. Flies pretty OK, but it seems to me that AutoTune needs to be redone. Stops are very fuzzy, looks like D parameter is not enough.
Loiter mode is good, AltHold is good.
Couldn't get BATT_VOLT2 working though, for no particular reason. It just don't work.
I have downgraded to 3.2. It doesn't seem to have gotten any better for me; still jumps all around and then nearly lands at times before i retake control. The graph above doesn't look good to me for some reason but I don't know enough to say why. Also, I would include my accx, accy, and accz data but for some reason APM planner won't graph it. The data is there because I can see the numbers but it just won't graph it and if I enable show values under mouse it comes up ERR. I scrolled through the numbers and they are all within the limits. I have placed a piece of open cell foam over the barometer as well. Can you put too much foam, or pack the barometer too tightly? I put a piece a bit thicker than the case so when you close the case it squishes down around it to make a good seal. Any help would be great!
Well, I don't have the same options that you do in CTUN but I was able to use my GPS data and Baro data for ALT to get this graph. I am assuming the lag with GPS is that it is not as direct to get the response from the SAT the ALT.. but my Alt Hold is 80% better now that I have removed some foam covering the baro and changed the vibration dampening. I am running 3.1.5 too.
Ok so I was able to get the IMU data to graph using Mission Planner via mono; not sure whats wrong with APM Planner.
They look to be within the limits. There are some outliers on Z but they correspond to the sharp altitude changes as seen on the alt graph; at least thats the way it looks to me.
I also did the ALT graph again in MP for the heck of it.
Jesse, your Z levels looks too high at least for 3.2.1 with that level you can't have good althold
did you reset to default values after "downgrading" to 3.2? I haven't tried 3.2 yet but went from 3.2.1 to 3.1.5 and both by Quads now fly fine. Neither of them was ok with 3.2.1.
Yes I did. I was going to go down to 3.1.5 next but ran into a set of new problems with that. Navigating http://firmware.diydrones.com/ trying to find the correct hex file is a pain. So i was going to build it myself. I downloaded the 3.1.5 zip from here https://github.com/diydrones/ardupilot/releases I then ran make from withing the ArduCopter directory of that zip file (unzipped to my desktop). But when it was running it was showing all sorts of errors in terminal. It spit out a hex file though along with some others. Im a little afraid to try and flash the APM with it though since i was seeing all those errors during the make.