Add 2 more In Flight Modes

I found a discussion for getting 5 switch positions out of channel 5 on a DX6i and it also works on my JR XP6102.  What I want to do is add 2 more switchable modes to Ardupilot 2.7.1 which currently uses these 3 position outputs from channel 5.  I looked in Ardupilot and see it uses a Case statement to switch between 3 modes, but I cant find anywhere where the low level stuff for channel 5 is even described.
It'd be nice if all I had to do was add 2 more #defines and 2 more case statements, but I get the feeling that the PWM values of the additional switch positions need to be stated somewhere.
Any clues where I need to make some changes.?

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  • thanks for sharing this nice information here friends. it really help me. and i found the answer for what i came for. 

    adam smith

  • Is this written into the code that goes into the ATtiny chip?  That would be an obstacle if so.

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