AdruPlane 3.4 crash in manual mode

Hi guys hope this is the right place to post this.

I am new to pixhawk and Adruplane, I have had a crash with my Skywalker using a pixhawk with fw 3.4.

I checked the control surface in FBWA and manual and all was good, then launched the plane in manual and all went well for second or two until I realised I had not control of ailerons or rudder and elevator, I then reduced th as it was doing a side loop and heading down to the group and new I could not control the plane. The rc rx came off during crash and think thats what triggered the RTL.

I also see there are EKF errors but don't get these when at my home. I also did a range test which on the ground was further than when it crashed but then again I could still controll th?

I have attached the log file could someone pls have a look at it and tell me what it could be.


2016-02-03 16-50-33.tlog

2016-02-03 16-50-33.rlog

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