Advice for a newbie

I would like to learn about building UAVs from a technical first principles perspective, but I don't really know where to start.I don't really mind if it takes me years until I get something off terra firma. The satisfaction for me is the technical understanding.If you could recommending any reading material, or advise the direction I should be going in, it would be greatly appreciated.I'm starting an undergraduate course in engineering this year so hopefully that will be beneficial to my 'quest'.Thanks in advanced,Adam

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  • also, it might help to pick a makebelive objective for you makebelive drone. then go through one by one on what you need to make it happen. this can help you understand how every thing in your drone works together.
  • Start here, then search the rest of the site. The is an enormous amount of information in the site, you just need to spend some time going through it all. If you get stuck or can't find the information your looking for, just ask someone and i am sure they will be happy to help you.
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