Airspeed sensor output

Just curious how it was determined that >3000 would be the right value to expect from the airspeed sensor to indicate that it's connected. I have a APM 1.0 running 2.12 and MPXV7002DP sensor, and after trying 4 different BECs, I can only achieve an output >3000 with 1 bec. The lowest output I got was 2950. I've changed the value to 2940 to make sure things work for me, but I'm curious as to how it was set at 3000.

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  • 3D Robotics

    Basically, I took a big stack of APM boards and a big stack of 7002 and 5004 sensors and tested all the combinations, creating a spreadsheet of all the results. Typical values for the "no airspeed" were in the 2700s. 5004s were in the 1300s when they were connected and 7002s were all in the 3000-3200 range.


    I did all these under USB power. Maybe these values are all highly influenced by input voltage, and some ESCs give different voltage?


    I could easily drop the threshold to 2900. Would that work for you?

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