
  • I have used the Alexmos board pretty extensively and never used the APM to augment it. Stabilization by the board and its included IMU is excellent so I never saw a need to. I did hook up pitch control to APM for obvious reasons, but thats it.


    • Have u used a 3 or 2 axis gymball Max? As I am using 3 axis I had an idea to hook up a Z axis to compass to make accurate 'follow yaw' mode availiable (as follow pith or roll is availiable now - when u hook up alexmos to AC10 or AX11 pin of APM). For now I have a configuration shown on picture. BrtIMP-3-axis-schemacik-APM_zpsac1be4ef.jpg

  • I don't see the point of this function. I only had problems with apm gimbal servo output it gives random twitching and stuff unusable for video. I run opensource brushlessgimbal and have channel 8 connected to it bypassing APM for perfect results.

    • As I hanged a new 3axis alexmos gimbal under my quad yesterday - I am wondering if somebody know how to transfer data from APM FC compass to control (fix) a yaw axis of the gimbal. It works wonderfully but as it has no internal compas it counts the course with some algorithm (I think). That is why after some time it is loosing a preceise course. Anybody can help?

  • Ok, assuming no replies = nobody has tested yet, I went ahead and slotted it in.

    So far...the alexmos picks up the signal no problem. Once i get my motors, I'll do a test with and without FC feedback, to see how it performs. Note: It's signal only; no + or -.

    Reportedly, it only really comes into it's own in aggressive maneuvers - we'll just have to see.

  • *bump*

    ok, i'm ready to run servo signals from port 10 & 11 to the alexmos, but has anyone actually tried feeding the alexmos from the apm?

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