I have an arducpoter 2.5 board with is fully up to date. it is quite overpowered with 1300 motors and a 4 cell battery. so it is quite sensitive to throttle.
The hex is very stable in stable mode, but when I go to Altitude hold, I get sharp choppy thrust. see my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJlPFAh7V44
I've attached my settings. Any idea how I can fix this?
your video is a bit short....
For starters, its best to check alt hold settings at a higher altitude where you are out of ground effect.
Also, do you have a shield over the barometer? The new molded case works well to shield the sensor.
You may need to do some PID tuning for alt hold. Seems like you need to turn the rates down but im not an expert at PID tuning.