Altitude problem (fluctuating) and Bad AHRS

I've installed Arduplane 3.7.1 into a Pixhawk. Everything seems working fine except the altitude. The altitude fluctuates all time. My plane is stable on my desk and altimeter is not stable. It changes between -1m and 1m. Sometimes it jumps 30cm. If I lift my plane 2m (for example) the altitude marks 2m and then with the plane at 2m, the altitude goes to -0,20 or other incorrect altitude. If I open the tuning window, barometer seems working fine. Just for testing propuse I installed the Copter firmware and altitude works perfect (very stable). The problem is with Plane firmware.
Other issue I see, with the Plane firmware GND_TEMP is always in 25 Celsius, and with Copter firmware, GND_TEMP is according to the environment temperature. Is that fine?
Other issue that maybe it's related with the Altitude is a message with "Bad AHRS" when I turn on my Pixhwak.
Any idea how to solve the altitude fluctuating problem?

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