Altitude showing -70 million feet

Running 2.9.1 on an APM 2.5 3DR quad. GPS has 3D fix, but the altitude is showing -70 million feet. The APM is in a 3DR case, with the foam insert to cover the barometer.

Flies fine in stabilize mode, but not in Alt hold, loiter, etc. This is new behaviour - it worked fine previously.

I'm flying in Canada, the temperature was near 0 Celsius. Could there be an issue with condensation in the barometer? Where do I look to determine what the barometer output is?

Thanks for any suggestions.


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  • if you go in CLI (command line interpretor) mode, you can test there the baro.

    Once you are in cli mode, type help to see the commands. One is test.

    Also you can see the baro log out grahics.

    On Mission Planner there are at least 4 location where altitude is show: HUD, Quick tab, Status tab and Gauges.

    All of them display same -70?

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