
            • mine is 2940

              • Press and hold  menu on your Taranis and then Page until you see the sreen Version

                There it should be something like this:


                • Re-flashing did not help. Keep getting the -255 degrees. Flew today in a different park.

                  That may be an OpenTx problem of the new firmware. Maybe I should open an issue there

                • please see the attached picture. I am in Toronto Canada


                  • 3702933091?profile=originalHi,

                    I simulated your coordinates Lat 43.39,7740N Long 79.27.2286E on the Teensy and the Taranis shows these coordinates without a problem on my Tx.

                    I guess we have to see if it's works on your's after you have reflashed.

                • That is the newest FW that Companion downloaded for the Taranis. Build on February 2, 2014. To my knowledge there is no newer stable FW out there as of yet. I will reflash it and see if it fixes the problem


                • SVN: opentx-r2940

                  • Can you give me an example of GPS coordinates from your part of the world..


  • Hello Rolf,

    can you tell me how to retrieve RCin of channel 3 from the MAVLINK Data?


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