
  • S.Bus to CPPM converter connected on S.Bus port on X8R and Input 1 on APM. Jumper on Input pins 2-3. Works on both my APM 2.6 and PixHawk (no jumper and connect to SB port on PH).

    • what Rolf want to do is do the sbus to ppm conversion on teensy instead of the adapter. 

      @Rolf, have you considered using FastSerial library to do the serial communications so the ppm will get priority no matter what? 

  • hi Rolf, I would like to use your project to deliver telemetry from openlrsng module to taranis, but since the most stable telemetry rate of openlrsng right now is 19200baud I would need to change the default baud rate of your program to run at 19200 baud. is it done by changing the following line     _MavLinkSerial.begin(57600);     to _MavLinkSerial.begin(19200);  ? 

    also, do you happen to know how to extract RSSI info from the mavlink and what would be the best way to show it on the Taranis (which telemetry variable on the taranis would be capable of accepting values from 0 to 100)? 

    Thank you! 

  • Moderator

    Superb work I'm going to build this into my quad next time I tear it down. 

    IRT Andrea, 

     I'm going to ultimately build this for a Pro Mini as I have a stack of them on the shelf but for simplicity sake I'll stick to the 8MHz 3.3v which i think should be plenty quick enough to handle the conversion. I'll start out by building it into my R3 Uno breadboard to make sure all is well and then when that's working build up the pro mini. I'll post progress as it comes.  

  • Hi Rolf!,

    can i use an arduino pro mini 16k instead Teensy?

    thanks from italy!


  • Hello Rolf,


                                  ap_rc_ch3 = mavlink_msg_rc_channels_raw_get_chan3_raw(&msg);

    we can query the channels 1 to 8 . This works well.

    Do you know how to get the channels 9 to 16?

    regards Peter

  • HI Rolf, I am not sure if you  still have time to follow this thread and this project, but maybe someone with the necessary programming skills and altruist nature can adjust the existing code to work with openLRS hardware. In the current version openLRSng supports receiving frsky smartport telemetry with a hardware signal inverter (very simple to make) and passing it along to the ground module there with additional hardware inverter (exactly the same as the one in the air) is able to push frsky telemetry to the taranis.   now here is what I propose could be done to Rolf's code in order to eliminate the need for the first signal inverter in the air:  disable signal inverting on teensy and output regular serial stream. or output a regular serial stream on a different UART port on teensy simultaneously, this will eliminate a need for two different f/w versions. 

  • Many thanks to Rolf!

    For those who may may not know, the "cut trace" operation must be done AFTER programming the Teensy.

    May I humbly suggest that this be added to the fifth line of MavLink_FrSkyPort sketch:

    "Cut board on the backside to separate Vin from VUSV"…AFTER loading sketch.

    Cheers to all!

    • On which cases?

      From what I've read on this thread, that is not a Must do it operation.


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