Hi all,
I just bought an FrSky Taranis for my quad copter and needed to get the Mavlink data up on the Taranis LCD telemetry display. So here is my solution using a Teensy3.1 as a converter between MavLink and the S.Port on FrSky X8R.
See attached file below...
DougB said:
Doug, I only added airspeed recently to the code so its fairly experimental. (assuming you're referring to the Clooney82 branch of the code?) My plane is out of action just now (broken LRS system) so no telemetry until I manage to fix it. I'll take a look then and let you know the outcome. Cheers, Paul
I'm having a problem with Airspeed (ASpd)
I have Mission planner set to Metric, if I blow a constant speed of air into the pitot tube missionplanner shows around 17m/s. Taranis is showing only around 7m/s in the lua script and if I look at the raw data on the telemetry setup screen it also shows around 7m/s.
What am I missing?
Paul Atherton said:
I've look around and can't find the answer to whether there is a way to change the Units displayed on the Taranis for altitude and speed from metric to imperial?
Hello ! I would like
Paul Atherton said:
Marc, forgot to mention - the Teensy code actually is using those libraries you referred to earlier and it does use the sensor polling call mentioned in the article - so it already does the polling (from the encoder side). Cheers
Marc Dornan said:
Cheers Marc. I agree, an easy change. Was trying to get my head around the FrSky telem libraries mentioned in your earlier post. They look interesting, but not exactly sure how the polling thing would be implemented in the setup we are using. Looks like its required from the decoder end (would usually be done by the Tx unit), as it mentions s.port being a 'pull' protocol. I maybe need to look again when I have more free time. Good find though! Its incredible how resourceful the RC community is. Its great to be a part of it.
Thanks again, Paul
p.s. those Artemen boards look awesome!
No worries. Did not realize you had the Wolfbox units. I will see if I can open a request with OpenTx devs tonight. It seems to me to be an easy change.
Very kind of you to offer the OrangeRX units. To be fair, I'm doing OK with the Wolf box units just now, and don't see me using ULRS outside of my fx-61 wing, although that might change so will definitely bear your offer in mind. Cheers, Paul