An alternative to 3DR radios?


I was just looking around for 868 MHz 500mW radios when I stumbled upon this radio -->

As it is Si1000 based then the SiK firmware should run on it as well. It would be a great alternative for European guys looking for longer range while still taking advantage of the SiK firmware. It uses the RFX1010 amplifier.

What do you think, would these modules work as a drop in replacement to 3DR radios?

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  • In this moment we have some problems about the  upload the firmware via bootloader (3D Radiomission Planet).

    We can upload the FW only via Silicon Labs emulator.

    As soon as solve this problem I will call you

  • I am using CISECO XRF

    • 868 and 915 MHz ISM/SRD bands (can support 315, 433, 900 MHz)
    • Up to 10dBm (10 mW) power output
    • Encryption
    • 100% compatible APM2.*

    • In Oz land using 1 Watt module fully compatible APM 2.6 modems:

      Had no problem of link distance.. :-)

      • For those where Tx power output is limited to 500 mW the rfd-900 from output power is programmable from whatever you want to 1 Watt! So no more selection of hardware depending upon output power.. You choose by programming what you want!

        Just great!


  • Developer

    I also meant to post this link for an alternative 'bare bones' radio for putting the 3DR firmware on (Thanks to Mike Smith for the heads up)


  • Developer
    How about using these from synapse 915MHz 802.15.4 $35 2.4GHz 802.15.4 $25

    They also run embeded Python, so it should be possible to add the MavLink framing, and more importantly the injection of the MAVlink Radio packet for RSSI information

    There's a whole family of devices see
    Synapse RF300PD1 with SMA Connector 915MHz :: Solarbotics
    A module that runs at OTA (Over-The-Air) speeds up to 150Kbps and has a maximum transmission range of 3 miles! Perfect for when you need a separate f…
  • 500mW module for 434/868/915 will be ready within approx. one month.
    Full compatible with 3DR/Mavlink.
    Module will be in two versions: one as a sample telemetry module and second - pair of plane (telemetry+OSD) and ground (telemetry + servo controler for antena tracker). For second - options, as an additional features - Rc transmission (ppm in/out) and blcd gimbal control + shutter/zoom/etc.

    During weekend I will post more infos.
  • I use 3g mobile internet, what can beat that? :)

    I use it for both telemetry and video.

  • I built myself boards for DNT900. Very nice radios with power upto 1W and have AES encryption as well.

    My board has:

    -Input voltage range of 2S-6S (with switching mode power supply)

    -3.3/5V UART (configurable)

    -FTDI chip for USB

    -The board switches between the two automatically

    -Onboard RPSMA connector so that the DNT900 U.FL connector doesn't get ripped off in case of a crash.


    RFM provides two firmware versions, i think one should be compatible with European regulations (860Mhz range). 

    Note that the module on top doesn't have all the components (didn't have enough components for two boards at the time the picture was taken, a few months ago).

    If there is enough interest, i could do a small run of boards to get the cost down (with Surface mount components, ofcourse).


  • RFD900 work great. Maybe not for Europe but for many this dude kicks some butt. 3DR airborne and RFD900 ground, >4 miles with >60% good data packets.

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