Ok im looking to build or even bye if they exist? I want to use my joystick coupled to my laptop teatherd thew my rc radio.to control my plane maybe im wording it wrong but i cant seem to find it ..a device to connect to my pc serial or usb to act as my radio just a black box type object with an antenna that is the transmitter. not the traditional remote. this is will be my first build of a UAV type plane and i want it to look good while i control parts of it before and after automated flight
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I have just completed building the exact same thing but as many point out you should have a traditional RC as a failsafe. Mine was written in VB which translates the joystick movements into servo commands. The commands are then sent through xbee to a PIC via a MUX on the plane and telemetry is sent back. At the time I couldn't find a similar package to buy. If you are familiar with VB I can send you the source to help you get started although I'm certainly no programmer so it's probably not the most efficient code, but it works. Range of Xbee's depends on the version you get then it's down to how it's setup.
Look for xbee related threads. You are looking for a program that will translate your joystick movements into a serial string that will be sent via serial through a connected xbee module. On the plane there will be an xbee modules that is connected to the one at your pc. The remote xbee will simply pass the received data to the attached micro and will act accordingly.
You will probably need to use an arduino mega as that has 4 serial ports allowing a serial GPS to be still used. the micro may also send telemetry to the base station computer. Look at paparazzi uav. They have a two way link working but I don't think they use a joystick. They use an RC link for manual flight (mainly for safety).

I have just completed building the exact same thing but as many point out you should have a traditional RC as a failsafe. Mine was written in VB which translates the joystick movements into servo commands. The commands are then sent through xbee to a PIC via a MUX on the plane and telemetry is sent back. At the time I couldn't find a similar package to buy. If you are familiar with VB I can send you the source to help you get started although I'm certainly no programmer so it's probably not the most efficient code, but it works. Range of Xbee's depends on the version you get then it's down to how it's setup.You will probably need to use an arduino mega as that has 4 serial ports allowing a serial GPS to be still used. the micro may also send telemetry to the base station computer. Look at paparazzi uav. They have a two way link working but I don't think they use a joystick. They use an RC link for manual flight (mainly for safety).