
Hi ya'll,

The thread on my blog post is getting a little unmanageable.  How about we discuss test results here instead...  

I'll also post release notes as new builds are out.  The device must support 'USB host mode' (most devices running android 3.1 or later are fine).  You'll need a 'OTG' adapter such as this

Please post feedback here or on the github issues site - the google play comments are not really useful yet.



Hi ya'll.  Please move further discussion of this app to a newly created group:

Feel free to make new approprately titled discussion threads.  

Future app releases will be announced only there.


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  • Very nice work. 

    Is it possible to forward (one-way) a udp stream to AndroPilot?

    Which is the minimal set of mavlink messages to send in order to get position updates? I'm sending only the following but that seems insufficient as AndroPilot logs the data well but does not move anything at all:





  • Hi Kevin,

    I'v tested the app on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and works quite well.

    Are there plans to alter the PID settings via the telemetry link?

    This would be very usefull as now I have to take a laptop with me while a tablet is so much easier :-)


  • I got a Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE today, downloaded the app, plugged in 433mHz Radio and there it was. This app is almost too easy to fall under DIY. Thanks a lot! Great work indeed.

    It shows I have version 1.30. Some suggestions:

    Nothing displayed in status or overview windows.

    Parameters had lots of ??? questionmarks. When I unplugged quad power and plugged it in again, the parameters wouldn't display again. I tried closing the app, disconnecting everything, but everytime I open the app again it just shows the timer signal in the paramaters window. It also wouldn't display my home position again on the screen.

    On original connection when I saw parameters, I didn't find compass learn or waypoint speed. It would be nice to be able to change them.

    I've found the live calibrarion feature useful in Mission Planner. Another nice to have and maybe easy to add?.

  • Icons file attached. Let me know if you need anything else - or if you need changes to these. I gave you some options with the quad/hex icons.

  • Developer

    New release 0.1.29 - see first post for a new screenshot...

    * Add an overview panel - make it the default panel

  • Developer

    New release - mainly work behind the hood to make it super easy to add all sorts of new info panels on the right side (if anyone wants to give it a shot, look at RcChannelsFragment.scala for an example.  


    # 0.1.28

    * Add a basic RC channels info panel
    * Add preferences option to force the screen to stay on (default off)
    * Fix mode display when waking from sleep
    * Change param list over to new fragment system
    * Use gestures to change the info panels
    * Add periodic updates for rcchannels (share actor client code with map & mainactivity)

    For next release:
    * FIXME - add vehicle info panel (should be easy now that I have the slidy panel stuff in)
    * FIXME - add waypoint panel (should be easy now that I have the slidy panel stuff in)
    * FIXME: fix udp receiver
    * FIXME: add waypoint change type (via menu dropdown)
    * FIXME: make a website
    * Change waypoint icons as appropriate...
    * FIXME: Use a state machine to ensure we don't get confused if someone moves a waypoint while we are busy uploading new waypoints

  • Developer

    Hi ya'll,

    I received a bug report of vehicle position only getting updated when it reaches a waypoint (thanks for the report Andre).  Alas, I don't see this behavior here.  Can anyone else report seeing this oddness?

  • How, if already possible - can I enable display of altitude or other essential information ?

  • Developer

    My old T-Moble G1 needs another new battery, time to move on to a Samsung S3. I have made my choice after reviewing this great blog. I was considering a a  S2, Nexus 4, or maybe a iPhone 5. Thank you for creating and publishing this fine app.

  • Kevin, I'm dabbling with this on the phone and tablet.  I found the UDP settings.  I notice it is looking for an IP Address and port#.  So I assume this means to do this, I need to put my phone in wireless hotspot mode.  What's the easiest way to find the IP address?  I'm assuming that the hotspot mode does DHCP instead of static so it might change on every connection, so... any tips on managing this situation?

This reply was deleted.


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