
Hi ya'll,

The thread on my blog post is getting a little unmanageable.  How about we discuss test results here instead...  

I'll also post release notes as new builds are out.  The device must support 'USB host mode' (most devices running android 3.1 or later are fine).  You'll need a 'OTG' adapter such as this

Please post feedback here or on the github issues site - the google play comments are not really useful yet.



Hi ya'll.  Please move further discussion of this app to a newly created group:

Feel free to make new approprately titled discussion threads.  

Future app releases will be announced only there.


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  • I just ran BitDefender ClueFull on my tablet. That's an anti-spyware software.

    It categorizes AndroPilot as "moderate privacy risk" and says that Andropilot uploads the device ID to which is a tracking service which tracks user devices/behavior through several apps. See

    I haven't read anything in Andropilot's description about that nor have I seen any privacy statement... I do not like being secretly spyed upon and secret data collection makes the software illegal in practically all EU-countries.

  • Developer

    Has anyone tried to run AndroPilot on a mini-pc like this one?

  • Finally caved and bought a Nexus 7 to use with this, works great!

    Feature request:  a good, very visible indication of the forward direction of the quad on the map (like the red line in mission planner).  My use for a tablet in the field vs. a laptop is to be able to make sure my compass headings are correct before using an auto mode, and with mission planner on a laptop I can quickly tell by looking at the direction of it in the air and the red line on the screen. 

  • Are all the tablets and phones that this has been tested with been able to power up the 3DR radio?

  • Hello hello.

    Short question. Is there a howto connect my Hardware? I have an android phone and a 3dr transmitter for telemetie data with an USB connector. Do I just need an adapter?


  • Do not buy Tablet PIPO S2, It won't work out of the box with Andropilot and DroidPlanner

    Earl's comments on PIPO S2 for firmware upgrade_19th Feb 2013; 


    Tried successful upgrade the following firmwares for the PIPO S2 but still 3DR radio not working and hence Andropilot and DroidPlanner also not working. However same 3DR radio is working on Andropilot and Droidplanner on my other two tabs IS701C and IS709C. 


  • Thanks Kevin for the latest version, I will test it today.

    Here are two pictures with the AP box with manual controls, in case the tablet thinks is time to have a nap:

    The front panel with ON/OFF switch, ON/OFF LED, ARM button and LED, flight mode switch with pass-through (commands from Andropilot), stabilize and loiter. Two potentiometer knobs for roll and pitch trim (tweaking AHRS_TRIM_X and AHRS_TRIM_Y) and commanded turns and altitude change, they are working great in stabilized mode.

    AP_box1.jpgThe internals with APM 2.0, 5V power source, BT module link to Andropilot.

    AP_box2.jpgUnfortunately I found that the servo pitch cannot sustain the forces with the plane out of pitch trim which happens with the Fox at every even slight power change, I have to disarm, trim then arm again. But for longer legs with same parameters should be OK.

  • Hi Kevin,

    do you know something about the bluetooth request from January (discussion page 2)? I've had found some disabled bluetooth class files.

    I would like to join this idea because my smartphone running Android 2.3.x.

    BTW: Some class files have encoding errors. What encoding do you use?

  • During today testings I had mixed and confusing results with (real) airplane Apollo Fox, Ardupilot and Andropilot, the latter being the most cooperative part. The Fox is a very twitchy airplane, it needs permanent rudder coordination even in level flight not to say in turns, and has heavy adverse yaw at turn initiation.

    So, in mild turbulence the AP struggled to sustain any flight mode I set, stabilized, loiter or guided, with results almost as good as my automatic feet work when I forgot to arm the AP and thought I did :) Nevertheless in the evening returning home on a +20 nm leg the AP got me to the home airfield even keeping the altitude rigorously.

    Hopes are the AP will become OK during all flight envelope at last. The servos seems powerful enough (maybe the pitch one, even with the huge gear is still at edge) because when I change to loiter or command a guided to a different level the flight attitude changes forcefully and fast. Is the correction during the stabilized flight that lacks authority even I increase P to even 2 or 3, tried to tweak with I and D with no more increase in correction effectiveness.  I have on order 2 o those 40 kg servos from hobbyking, for roll at least should be more than enough.

    Here are pictures with the setup, special thank for Kevin!

    The panel from the left, the white box contains the APM +5V supply and BT module, with manual flight mode switching to stabilized, loiter and pass through (commands from Andropilot through BT), the Android tablet runs Andropilot and various aviation software, Skydemon, AirNavigationPro etc.

    panel_left.jpgThe panel from the right.

    panel_right.jpgDIY pitch servo from the left (parts from CNC machines stores).

    pitch_servo_left.jpgPitch servo from the right.

    pitch_servo_right.jpgRoll servo (20 kg metal gear servo).


    Please Kevin don't forget me with the two asks, guided waypoint altitude and mapsforge, if possible, thanks!


  • Would a tablet such as this work with your app?


This reply was deleted.


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