Another problem

Can I ask for some more help.I have had some good flights. I have just changed from + configuration to X. Dip switch 1 is now up and I turned everything off to reboot. I'm in Stable mode and the stability works fine, the motors do the right things.....But, the transmitter controls are wrong, they are still in + configuration, ie pitch control changes the front and rear motors 3 and 4 ? Any idea's.

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  • Okay, I see....

    Did you use the firmware from this page:

    (Its the standard Arducopter Software: Arducopter RC2)

    or from that page:

    (This is the recommended firmware with more features.)

    Remember for the ArduPiratesNG code you have to use the online configuration tool before flashing on to your electronics:

    this tool lets you save a file. Call it "config.h".

    Then save it inside the ArducopterNG folder inside the sketches folder. After downloading both Pirate-Files: and unpack both folders into the sketch folder and rename ArduPiratesNG-sketches -> ArduPiratesNG. Inside this folder save your config.h file.
    The online configurator will show you if you have to change any of the jumpers on your electronics.

  • What firmware do you use?


    Adrucopter  or ArduPiratesNG ?

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