Hi all -
I am wondering if anyone here has experience flying a Pixhawk-based multicopter at higher latitudes in the Arctic. We are purchasing an octocopter with Pixhawk and 3DR uBlox GPS for use in surveying around Tuktoyaktuk, NWT next summer (69.4d N and a 24d magnetic declination). Last summer, we had no problems flying a DJI NAZA based hexacopter up there after calibrating the compass and reorienting the GPS puck to 24d east (it toilet-bowled badly before turning the compass)
Besides possibly calibrating the compass using Mission Planner once we get up there, are there any other issues we need to think about? I notice that Pixhawk/MP will automatically compute local declination once it achieves a GPS lock.
I live in Tromsø, and have been flying much far beyond that.
That's good to hear, Andre. Despite our successful flights last summer, I have read about numerous issues using DJI's Naza and GPS at high latitudes. In fact, the Naza-M manual goes as far to say that the "Compass module CANNOT work in the polar circle"