Hi All,

I have a problem with my airspeed and ground speed for my plane. Basically in a large circle loiter in one section the air speed drops to 9-10m/s and ground speed drops to 1-2m/s.

It doesnt make sense because i have an air speed sensor enabled and the following parameters

Max air speed = 20m/s

Min air speed =12m/s

Cruise air speed = 13m/s

Min ground speed =12m/s

The plane has plenty of power and when it is going at 1-2m/s ground speed its throttle is only at 20% so it can power itself to achieve higher ground speed.  Its also strange that in the other direction of the loiter the plane speeds up with the tail wind but the throttle also goes up to 40% and air speed is 18m/s and ground speed similar about 20-23m/s

Any idea why its not maintaining min ground speed? 

Thank you

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