"I think my min ground speed was set to 9000 which was 90 meters per second and meant it was flying as fast as max throttle will allow. I don't have the plane anymore, crashed during manual flying with a loop too close to the ground. There is a…"
Hi All,I have a problem with my airspeed and ground speed for my plane. Basically in a large circle loiter in one section the air speed drops to 9-10m/s and ground speed drops to 1-2m/s.It doesnt make sense because i have an air speed sensor enabled…
"Well, I like flying wings so I bought a Wing Wing Z-84 (~$50-$80) and used this to learn how to fly/set up a flying wing. Only 80cm wing span and very light and hard to break. Crashed it may times, nothing glue or tape could not fix. I added apm to…"
"jaideep gour
my advice (which I have taken myself and heard many times on these forums) is due to your inexperience would be to start with something small and cheap and work up to the big project. I was in the same boat with no RC flying experience.…"
Hi All,I recently upgraded to an air speed sensor for a wing wing z84. Plane flies create in FBWA and AUTO but it does not seem to control air speed very well. Cruise speed is 10m/s but its flying at least 20m/s. Altitude control seems fine. Wind…
"Good to see you back Trent. I was wondering (like many others) where you had gone. Very interested to see how the project goes and best of luck to you."
"I'm thinking it is the throttle nudge parameter. THROTTLE_NUDGE. I will set it to 0. It must be thinking to reduce throttle because the ch3 value is minimum when TX out of range or off. Will test this soon.
Hi all,I've noticed when in AUTO mode and my RC TX is turned off or goes out of range the throttle % drops to considerably low values. i.e. 15% The plane flies very very slow when this happens (8 m/s).When RC TX is on or within range in AUTO mode…
I wish it was clearer what parameters to change with or without airspeed sensor. Mission planner should grey out parameters that are not used depending on what configuration you have. "
Thanks for your reply. If I adjust it to say 20% in no wind conditions, will the autopilot adjust throttle if there is high winds? Ie if there is a strong head wind, will throttle increase to maintain any ground speed or something if…"
"They are lots of fun and very convenient, and cheap. The air frame in the picture supplied actually split in half after a meeting with a tree (when I was a bad pilot) and it was so easy to glue it back together and it may even fly better.
Hi all,The APM 2.6 in auto mode cannot seem to get the plane (wing wing z-84) down to the target cruise speed of 12m/s. During missions in still conditions it flies at 15-20m/s. Stall speed is 6-8m/s.I am not using an airspeed sensor.Some…