Hi all,

I've noticed when in AUTO mode and my RC TX is turned off or goes out of range the throttle % drops to considerably low values. i.e. 15%  The plane flies very very slow when this happens (8 m/s).

When RC TX is on or within range in AUTO mode the throttle ranges between 20-30%.  But usually sits 23-26% for level flight.

APM Parameters:

Max throttle =40%

Cruise throttle = 25%

Min throttle = 0%

My question is why does the throttle drop so low when TX is not connected when cruise throttle is 25% Id like to fly longer missions and its better if my TX is not constantly on for hours.  I've disabled RTH fail-safe for TX fail when in AUTO mode.

Thank you in advance.


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  • I'm thinking it is the throttle nudge parameter. THROTTLE_NUDGE.  I will set it to 0.  It must be thinking to reduce throttle because the ch3 value is minimum when TX out of range or off. Will test this soon.


    • This didn't seem to work.

      Any ideas anyone?
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