Hi all,
I've noticed when in AUTO mode and my RC TX is turned off or goes out of range the throttle % drops to considerably low values. i.e. 15% The plane flies very very slow when this happens (8 m/s).
When RC TX is on or within range in AUTO mode the throttle ranges between 20-30%. But usually sits 23-26% for level flight.
APM Parameters:
Max throttle =40%
Cruise throttle = 25%
Min throttle = 0%
My question is why does the throttle drop so low when TX is not connected when cruise throttle is 25% Id like to fly longer missions and its better if my TX is not constantly on for hours. I've disabled RTH fail-safe for TX fail when in AUTO mode.
Thank you in advance.
I'm thinking it is the throttle nudge parameter. THROTTLE_NUDGE. I will set it to 0. It must be thinking to reduce throttle because the ch3 value is minimum when TX out of range or off. Will test this soon.
Any ideas anyone?