A new Beta Release of APM Planner 2.0 has been released. Notable fixes in the release are
- Google Maps API update.
- TCP/UDP displayed in Toolbar - Connections over TCP/UDP are now shown in the toolbar.
- UDP Client Connection - sends packets to a known host.
- Extended Tuning updated to support AC3.3-dev
- Accel Calibration udpated to new method
- Elevation Widget fixes
- Basic Joystick Support (experimental) (It does not remember setting over restart TODO)
- Radio Calibration works again with 6CH Radios
More details here
Download from http://firmware.diydrones.com/Tools/APMPlanner/beta/ or enable the beta option in AP2 Config View
Please raise issues here http://ardupilot.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=82
Take a look at this page:
Both are top-notch, mainly I use APM Planner 2 because it runs on Linux and MAC OS.
@ Chris: Thank you.
APM Planner works on Mac (as well as Windows and Linux) and Mission Planner is Windows-only. Also APM Planner is designed to handle multiple UAVs simultaneously. But Mission Planner has more features and is overall a more mature product, with a more polished UI.
If you're a Mac user, go with APM Planner. If you're a Windows user, go with Mission Planner.
I would like to know the difference too. Thank you.
Sorry to ask such a basic question: but can someone please tell me the difference between Mission Planner and APM Planner 2.0?
Thank you in advance.
@Simon Feel free to make your own contribution, no matter how small, I'll make sure your commit is credited to the author ;) it all helps
I read that git commit log and stumbled upon the following line:
How many companies do you know where the CEO directly commits changes personally (even small ones). And now that this is out, chris probably needs to come up with a very plausible excuse why that overdue budget is not ready yet ;)
Great work Bill! Thanks for pushing this GCS.
Thanks for the release, will test it and give you some feedback.