anybody not have yaw problem???? or only me??

I have no solution to solve yaw isu, until today
I've test to 3pcs ardu board, I use hexa and qc config
 1. Hover mode is ok
 2.I move it fast forward. After 10meters, the quad have yaw problem, the qc spin (about 90degre) by it self,  And then it stop spin and hover again
  All that spin movement is automatically happen withaout any tx command from me
  I've check my tx. And all position of all chanel (ail,rud,ele) are in 0 (level position) Except the throtel channel

   If I use pirates, all that yaw problem is never happen, so I bellieve that the motor, esc, and radio are OK

   I've adjust the PID setting, (decrease P level) but that was not make it better

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  • last night i  disconect the GPS.

    and no spin issue. just test about 2 flight.

    can you  test without GPS?

  • Developer

    McDon, a bit hard to understand exactly what the situation is...are you saying that you move forward very quickly for 10meters and then you lose yaw control?  but in normal flight it's ok?


    my guess is that you're hitting the limit of one of the engines.  So in full throttle forward, many of the engines will working very some point and engine will hit the top of it's ability and it might not be able to contribute to required yaw changes anymore.


    Maybe it only happens when you fly forward?  How about backwards?  If it doesn't happen backwards, try swapping your front and back engines and then maybe the problem will only be when you go which case you know it's your engine.


    There's actually a code change in discussion that might help in cases where the engine hits it's limit..but it's still just being discussed.

  • you are not the only one.

    but i have found the source when analyzing seb madwicks quaternion solution.

    when omega_i is feed incorrectly to the pid calculating routine then the yawing festival starts.

    it is very interesting to see that the stability of the system is still given and very nice.


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