"hmm, mostly i use uncalibrated mag data!the hmc5983 has a build in offset correction.
as the hmc5983 is available in homeopathic dosis i will dig in the dpi method.
i have used mahony in the past and try to avoid this kinda sensorfusion.
"yes, it doesn't look bad.
i have clue what would be good and in contrast bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqQCbkncVYI
i prefer simpler things.
using a milled cube and turn it fast on a granite table.
that's always interesting to watch and easy…"
"the 15 state ekf did cause some disappointing results in comparison with the px4 ekf.
if it starts raining again i will redo some of my tests - hopefully with a double precision fpu.
6 axis sensor fusion is ok as the mag do tends to disappear."
The owner of flightzoomer.com. has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
mach mal was!"
"the pru is not linux.
ist just a co-processor for the sitara.
offloading interrupts from the linux kernel is actually a good thing.
we will see where the road ends.
but at least you have to show a video when your work is getting up in the air ;-)"