Anyone using AttoPilot?

I just added an AttoPilot to my setup, mainly to monitor current consumption.  Has anyone else done this?

In MP, all I see is 0 current consumption, no matter how much load I put on the circuit.  When I use a DMM to measure the signal coming from the AttoPilot board, (across GND and I) I see the voltage go from 0.0013v under no load to -0.0015v with motors spinning (no props on) and LEDs on.  I find it odd that these signal voltages are so low, the differences so small and even odder that they go negative.  Has anyone else seen this?  Am I doing something wrong?

With a 4S LIPO attached (14.93v) the voltage signal pin is 0.96v.

I bought the 90 amp version, I'm wondering if I should have gotten one with a smaller capacity.  I'm running 3 motors which I'm expecting to draw about 15 amps each tops, a few LEDs and the electronics.



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  • I'm not quite sure I follow you Andrew - where did you have the AttoPilot originally?

    After unsoldering and resoldering all of this, the current output on the AttoPilot now appears to be totally flatline dead.  Voltage still seems OK. I suspect I cooked something with all the heat.  Or it didn't like having the ins & outs reversed.  Kind of a bummer.

    At $20 these things are surprisingly expensive, I'm not sure if I'm in a big hurry to buy another.  Though I'd really like to see the current draw in flight.

  • I just built up my attopilot and attempted to make it indesctructible:

    3692455971?profile=originalThis goes inline with my battery and quadcopter battery connector.

    I'm still waiting for my 1 and 2 pin jst connectors so I can make a proper cable for it.

    I'm tempted to take an exacto knife to split a connector I have.

  • I should add that with a DMM I'm seeing about 0.4 amps being drawn at idle and about 3 amps with the motors at full throttle with no props.  Those numbers coincide with the 0.0013v and -0.0015v I posted above.

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