APM 1.0.76 Hair Raising Flight

Tough flight today.


I've had some problems with my XBee so when I finally got everything working again, I updated to 1.0.76 today.  I had 3 successful flights on 1.0.73.  


The plane flew through way point 4 approximately as I'd expect.  However, as the plane severely zig-zagged back and fourth across the track line at 90 degrees.  Prior to this flight, it was pretty tightly tuned.  I hit RTL and it just zig-zagged over one spot.  I had to drive out and find it and land it manually.


In looking at the numbers PIDs are being read differently by 1.0.76.  Namely Cruise Airspeed, Xtrack Entry Angle, and maybe a few others.  Off by a factor of 100.


Also, I didn't think about it at the time but when I wrote the mission to APM, and read the loaded mission back to APMPlanner, the default altitude automatically scaled up by 100 times (30,000 meters instead of 300 meters).  I was eventually able to edit it.


It seems that there is a conflict between the parameters I've been using successfully, and 1.0.76.


Any ideas how to correct everything to get it all working again?

2011-09-26 02-36-24.tlog

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  • Developer

    the must have happend because you loaded a param file. this is where the param compare option comes in, so you can choice what to load and what not to.

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