"I did. Is there any chance you static zapped the XBee on the ground side? I lost the signal flying close in and have never been able to get that unit to work again. It's dead."
"I love the "Darwin Award" comment.
I'm worried about my hobby, but I can't imagine how subscribers to Islam and others with roots in the middle east must feel every time a whack job does something like this. "
Tough flight today. I've had some problems with my XBee so when I finally got everything working again, I updated to 1.0.76 today. I had 3 successful flights on 1.0.73. The plane flew through way point 4 approximately as I'd expect. However, as…
Why is the "datetime" value always blank in the status screen? Can it be turned on? See attached pdf to see the "datetime" location.datetime question.pdf
"A flying buddy of mine has a thrust vectoring F-22 (sans APM of course). They are a little dicey to trim our correctly because the thrust angle changes. Fly it with fixed thrust and get both the trims and fixed thrust angle dialed first. That…"
"I'm working through a magnetometer interference problem at the moment.
I had no trouble with the motor at 9 inches and brushless servos at 7.5 inches. I flew successfully with no navigation problems.
HOWEVER, I added the digital camera which…"
Did it all work after you got the manual transmitter working? I'm having similar problems. I THINK I've followed the instructions to the letter. I'm going through it again right now."
My friend and I have been working on setting up the latest APM in an elevon configuration, and we have tried everything we see in troubleshooting guide. Basically, we can get the rc control and the sticks in "stabilize mode" to work correctly, but…