APM 2.5 ArcuCopter 2.9.1 "twitches on it's own"

Hey all I hope that I am not asking a question that gets asked a billion times but I am not sure what else to try. At first I thought it was my new Simon K ESC's so I put my old Turnigy Plush 25A back on it and got the same problem. I also re-calibrated everything several times, compass, ESC's, transmitter ETC. I also took the gains down a bit. But it still does it. It must be something with the APM. I uploaded a very quick video to show what it's doing. The hard pitch up that it's doing is not me. And they are not all pitch up's. They are sometimes yaw and occasionally it will pitch down or all up. I am flying in Acro mode in the video but it does it in Stabilized mode as well. Most of the settings in the APM are box stock. Thanks for any help you can provide. My next move is to try and downgrade to 2.8.1 to see if that does it. My 2.9.1 does not show any weirdness on the artificial horizon if I am connected to Mission Planner.

Thanks again for any help you can provide. I wanna go FLY! :D


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  • I reckon this *might* be ppm encoder glitching.

    1. Are you flyingFutaba as that's known to cause a problem in some configurations of 8 channel RX or more.
    2. Id upgrade to the latest PPM encoder version (its in the wiki)
    3. Im thinking a Dev on here may find a log useful so you might want to share a log showing the problem.

    Good luck!
  • I know you mention recalibrating, was this with any anti-vibration material ie foam?

    Can you provide the conditions, I know the picture is night, but does the same happen during the day - ie the sonar is detecting variations on the grass due to light dispersal in the video.

    Have you checked or tested esc connections to the APM as it could be just one being lose will cause the twitching of the others.

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