APM 2.5 Bad Altimeter?

Worked perfectly fine in a previous copter (RIP) and stable mode works perfect. Altitude hold causes the copter to slowly rise and then slowly fall back to earth. Tried all the possible tuning tweaks with no result. Tried both black foam and the stock pink foam on the altimeter. Didn't make a difference. However, I noticed that the altitude readings change upon applying throttle. Reset eeprom and reuploaded firmware. Still doesnt hold altitude correctly and readings still fluctuate from 0 meters to -0.20 meters when throttle is applied. Gets worse with added throttle. Thinking maybe I crippled my APM in the last crash.  Thanks in advance.

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  • Was altitude hold working at any time in the past?  Remember that alt-hold mostly runs on inertial based information.  How do your accel graphs looks?

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