Hello, I am currently using Naza with GPS and would like to switch to the APM and ublox gps.
My question is will I need anything else to fly the copter autonomously with waypoints ?
I have no need for OSD but do wish to fly it to waypoints.
Thanks for your help
Everyone of the gains ? I have already made the roll and pitch less and that smoothed the copter in Stablize.
What gains am I to reduce to help the GPS modes ?
Yes, just a one-click upgrade. But you should go through your calibration process again in the Mission Planner, since the leveling is a bit different (better) now. It's worth the two minutes it will take.
Mark, if you have telemetry (such as with the 3DR radio set) you can change to any mode you want via the Mission Planner. No need to use RC for mode switching.
Mark, a quick word of caution: The APM 2.5 does not work like the NAZA, it needs a bit of tuning specific to your setup. The defaults are a good starting point but depending on the weight of your setup, things may be a little different so proceed with caution. Also, the altitude hold feature on APM2.5 is not as precise as the NAZA so be careful. The developers are working on this and the next release should see a big improvement. As it is, it is a bit off and you will see some altitude variations so be cautious. Other than that, you will love the APM 2.5, it is a powerful little board with huge potential. Once properly tuned and when the new code comes out, you will soon forget about the NAZA. For your first waypoint mission make sure you select enough altitude so you can take over if things get funky, just to be on the safe side. Enjoy!
Chris can the APM be mounted between the upper and lower decks of the 450 or must it be on the very top or bottom or the drone ?
Happy New Year and thanks again for the wonderful support,
No, APM 2.5+ is all you need. If you want to add wireless telemetry (useful, but not essential) go for this kit: US,Europe. All the software is free.