APM 2.5 initial set up problem process

I have problem with my APM 2.5


When I connect it with USB to PM I can download some ardu plane  firmware with no problem, like 2.74.

 When go to Flight data screen and move the APM the HUD did not move.

 The wireless telemetria conection % goes from 0 to 100%

 I got an initial message Bad GPS health

 I am not able to calibrate the radio and  compass  from the initial set up menu

 On the other hand by terminal option I can

 Connect with no problem, I can calibrate the radio, I can read the mode flights switch change but I am not able to calibrate the compass or accelerometer.


When I do I got the following message

 “failed to boot MPU6000 5 times”

Panic: failed to boot MPU6000 5 times


The same message error when I want to level.


Could somebody give any help to see what I have to do?


Thank in advance

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  • You might have a defective 3.3v voltage regulator. Can you measure the voltage pin of the L2C port? it should read 3.3 volt

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