
APM 2.5 Power Module & External BEC

I currently use an external 5 Amp BEC, because I need to power 2 servos for my camera gimbal.  My BEC is soldered to battery leads on PDB and plugged into the output side of the APM 2.5.  I purchased 3D Robotic APM 2.5 Power Module and I would like to use it to measure and log power.  Can I just plug it in or do I need to do something special?  My APM 2.5 is standard from the factory with no jumpers changed.  I really don't want to experience another brownout and crash.


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  • I am running a Tricopter with a roll and pitch gimble.

    The APM 2.5 is powered via the power module.

    The Jumper is removed.

    I am providing power to the output side via a BEC on CH 4 out. The BEC is from one of my ESC's.

    I have servos on the output side 7 (yaw), A9 and A10 (gimble servos)

    I have about 30 flights in this setup with no problems. I do not get brown out problems with the APM, I do get a noticeable reduction of motor power if I push my flight time past my set limits.

  • Developer
    How do you power your gimbal servos? From A11/A12 (also known as CH10/11)?

    If you remove JP1 the BEC you currently have will power anything connected to the PWM outputs 5V, the APM power module will power everything else, including the 5V rail on the A connectors.

    You shouldn't power servos from the A side if using PM or power from PWM Outputs with JP1 in place as there is a fuse that limits e current in that path to 500mA
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