APM 2.5 Power Module

Hi Guys I have been looking to see how i can check on the voltage of my APM 2.5 and found this in the wiki BUT cant find them any were to buy?

3DR-current-sensor-top.jpg can someone please share to were these can be purchased from ????

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  • Why can't the outputs from this be scaled for the APM 1 board by adding divider resistors on the APM board?

  • Hi Jose, thank you for the info I hope this is not going to be like the cases for the APM 2.5 that I was told was a month away that was 3 months ago and still waiting..... I'm tuned and awaiting ?
  • Distributor

    Hello Mr. Miller,

    I heard It will be Available soon (this month end), we stay tuned...


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