APM 2.5 serial connectivity question

I have been looking at pinouts and docs and code and I must admit Im a little confused by the UARTs. 


I just ordered a Graupner MX-20 HOTT to use instead of my Spektrum DX8i, in the hope I can use the hott-for-ardupilot modules for integrated telemetry.  

I am trying to digest the difference between UART0/2 vs UART0/UART2. Is UART0/2 both UARTS, and UART2 is only available if i do the usb mux solder bridge?  Im a little lost.  

Ideally I would like to use both 3DR Radio (and OSD)/Standard USB and have another serial connection for the HOTT receiver. Is this even possible?

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  • yes, but the wiki assumes that there is a APM2.0 and I have a APM2.5 where the layout is different, ie the connections of the PINs. But you have also the APM 2.5!?

    Can you please tell me what connections and bridge you've set? . Are the Pins TX and GND in the picture below?

    thank you


  • daniel

    I am currently at the same point, can you tell us how you solved it?



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