APM 2.5 tilt on lift off, artificial horizon?

Hi there,

As we are struggling to get our hexa of the ground, the first test flight was no succes. As we tried to take off it banked to the left en never got off the ground.

We were thinking it might be one of the esc's so we got an ubec and seperate battary to power the APM 2.5 and receiver.

Now everything put back together in MP the artificial horizon is tilted ( it didn't before first flight and the hexa is flat on the floor). it does move when we move the hexa.

We can't figure out what the problem is.

After fitting the ubec the esc's don't make the same beeping sound as they did before. just three beeps (3S lipo) they won't arm even after calibration. Engines will not run.

We are seriously questioning if we made a mistake buying the apm 2.5 as we reed a lot about sudden tilts and other problems.

Can anyone please help???

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  • I just did radio calibration with USB cable and LIPO together. Now quad's motor are alive.......

  • "Now everything put back together in MP the artificial horizon is tilted ( it didn't before first flight and the hexa is flat on the floor). it does move when we move the hexa.

    We can't figure out what the problem is.

    After fitting the ubec the esc's don't make the same beeping sound as they did before. just three beeps (3S lipo) they won't arm even after calibration. Engines will not run"

    I have exactly the same problem with my quad. (tilted horizon in MP, 4 beeps (4S lipo), arms but motors won't start..


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