APM 2.5 + UBlox GPS - No Fix issue

Hi. I have had the Ublox + APM 2.5 combo for a little while - and has been working great...until now. I haven't used the machine for a few months (winter) and have just taken it out of the storage box. However, all I am getting is the solid red led on the uBlox. Have sat outside with the machine and still no luck. Is there a part that degrades with this? Does the connector cable need to be replaced? I have noticed there are a few threads on this subject but no real answer.



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  • Thanks for the reply Mark.

    After some faffing about I believe I have nailed the problem. It appears that proximity to the 3DR radio transmitter was interfering with the satellite antenna.

    Problem now solved and satellite reception is back on line.

    Thanks again.

  • Developer

    It takes 20-30 minutes for Ublox to receive ephemeris data for the satellites, The backup battery can only keep data  for so long. My Ublox works inside well, but direct to sky view will be a little faster to update sat data. Have a coffee break and make suer MP is up to date, as fixes were just published. Cheers

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