APM 2.6

Maybe it is me, but it sure seems like it takes a long time for Mission Planner to connect to the APM, I have a 2.6 version original firmware from December of 2013.  The Mission Planner software updates requrlar at startup of program.  Even with the usb connection it seems to take at least a couple minutes maybe more to actually connect and start downloading from APM. I have it set at 115000 for usb and 57600 for telemetry using a 3 year old dell lap top with Win 7.

Is it just me being impatient or am I missing a setting? Anybody?

Tom Gates

3d robotics quad 2013 rtf APM 2.6 original firmware

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  • 3D Robotics

    You definitely want to update the APM firmware to the latest. That should speed it up. 

    • Thanks Chris,

      Will I keep my configurations as came from 3d robotics or am I looking at reconfigure before attempting to fly.

      If so, is there a link to help me through the process.

      • 3D Robotics
        Are you using the manuals at ardupilot.com?
        • I will be for this process, thanks.

          • Admin


            Updating the APM2.6 firmware will not affect your operational parameters nor your loaded mission.

            However, if you ever want to reset/erase the APM eeprom, then you can save your operational parameters using the Full Parameter List in the Config/Tuning screen before doing so.

            There are Save/Load parameters buttons in the Full Parameter List.

            Also, you can save your missions as a file in the Mission Planning screen.


            TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

            • Thanks, Thomas

              • Thomas,

                Saved my parameter list and clicked INSTALL FIRMWARE, picked QUAD3.1.5 and waited for it to "check board version", waited some more, starting downloading, then came up with "communication error"-connection failed.  Tried three times with no luck, including disconnecting usb from quad. Shut down Mission Planner and restart, plug quad to usb, still same result.  Did not have mavlink connection as ardupilot recommends.  

                Verified good internet connection.

                Any ideas?

                Tom Gates

                • I beat myself up for three days regarding the same situation.  There would be times that I would be able to connect and start the process of updating the firmware, and then it would decide to fail.  

                  Are you able to see the Arduino Mega 2560 for USB connection every time?     

                  I found I had a bad USB cable.  When the cable decided to work, it would eventually disconnect while I was going through the calibrations.  - very frustrating.

                  I finally tried my Samsung Note 3 USB cable and plugged it into the APM 2.6 and It worked.  I also began using the USB cable that I use for my hexacopter and it worked also.

                  Unfortunately, there are so many possibilities that can create the problem. Maybe this can help. 


                  • That is something I have never seen on the pull down in Mission Planner, it does show in Windows Device Manager, as to evertime, I don't know. I have always had to use com13 115,200, of course the com just happens to be the one I am plugged into.  Never have had any known problems with the cable, have transferred waypoints etc always worked, but the connection has always seemed slow to me for a usb, the reason I started this discussion.

                    Chris told me I needed to up date firmware that would speed it up. I will check another usb cable just to be sure though.

                    Thanks Daniel

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