APM 2.6 acting strange

This is the third quad I have scratch built with the apm board,I am very familiar with how this board works and what is needed to help make this a perfect machine,But this newest copter I am building is being nothing but trouble,It still has compass interference even though the compass is more than 15cm away from everything on a mast,It is very very sluggish even though I have the parameters set as high as they can go to counteract the sluggishnessThis quad frame is quite larger than any I have built and I'm starting to think this might have something to do with it,This quad have a lot of flew to the arms when throttling up, would this have any effect over the sluggishness?Also the quad will very pitch one way very well but when I go to pitch the opposite way it is very slow and throws the copter off sometimes, why is this happening?I'm buying longer gps cables so I can mount the gps even further away from the frame, do you think this will help with the compass interference?Also I'm running 2.9 copter as this is the firmware update I have had the least troubles with, every time I seem to upgrade the firmware I run into troubles with past quads,Would you recommend updating to a certain firmware to help?Any advice is very much welcomed, I need to get this fixed, thank you.

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  • Yes, move to 3.2.1; over 3 are much better releases, can you share photos from your build and logs enabling vibrations and compass can help others to help, if arms not are rigid, that's a problem too.

    • 3.2.1 hey?
      I'll give that a go today and see if there is any difference thanks,
      If there is any problems again I'll upload the logs to have a look at

      They arms are very flexible which is obviously not good I think I need to get a new frame
      • Perhaps shortening? or changing them? aluminium tubes works well

        • It's a DJ's flame wheel copy frame that's a 600mm, I should have known it was going to flex, it's my own fault,

          I've just purchased a legitimate dji 450mm flame wheel frame so that should help with no flex
          • There are many of dj here flying well, good luck. 

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