APM 2.6 test flight, fly away

I performed some first test flights of my Quad. The first went well as a low hover and land. The second encountered a major loss of control(LOC) after a few seconds of flight. I could not identify any physical cause of the LOC. I first thought the battery slid out of place on the UAV except the video does not show this.

Im thinking the LOC could be caused by interference, except im unsure because this is a initial test flight.

Please look at the video footage of the crash here:

Thank you for any ideas/advice on the crash.

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  • Thank you for the Info, and im liking the Log tool.  So what do you suggest I do now? Ive calibrated the magnetometer and disabled the Battery failsafe (and all other RTL functions). How do you suggest I prevent the USB/GPS error?

    • There is not an obvius answer to this question but here are my suggestions.

      1 - use a gps holder stand for reducing electromagnetic interferance (like this)

      2 - wait 4-5 minutes before take off. if possible plan your flight with high number of satellites. (Look here)

      3 - Always be ready back to stabilize mode immediately if a glitch happen.

      4 - Hoping USB bug fix in next FW release.

      glad these help you

  • I have looked at your logs with APM Log Analyser (http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2151318) great tool!

    it seems a gps glitch problem because of high hdop and a known bug as below 

    "29/06/2014 17:51:05 - 000351: APM Error: APM believes USB is connected while in flight."

    • 3D Robotics

      Here's what DroneShare says was wrong with that flight (I just uploaded it, and you can do the same)

      You had a low battery failesafe and poor magnetometer calibration. My guess is that it was trying to return to home, but hadn't been calibrated yet for autonomous flight. 


  • 3D Robotics

    Please post your logs so they can be analysed. You can also use Mission Planner to analyse them yourself, and it will point out any obvious errors such as cable disconnection. 

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